I’m here to help you enjoy getting to work…
wait… WHAAT?
Let me explain…
I’m not talking about “enjoying” the grind of administrivia – nope!
I’m talking about enjoying those juicy moments of being in the zone with the magic your creative brain is desperate to make.
I want you to enjoy more of THAT work. The kind that gets buried under the weight of all the paper-and-zooms-and-schedules and things-you-can’t-get-put-away.
Chances are you’ve tried ALL the systems that should work. You bought the books, maybe even cracked a few. You drooled over the light-dappled minimalist images. You watched the rainbow-organized reels until your eyes gave out. You even bought containers and a label-maker.
And nothing stuck.
You’re still not getting to the work you long to do.
So let’s try this instead: talk to me.
Tell me where your systems are hindering, not helping.
Tell me where your space causes you more friction than fun.
Tell me about that big idea you really want to get off the ground, the one buried under “it’s here somewhere, lemme just dig it out”
And then let me help you.
Together, we’ll design the custom systems you need to get you there.
And I pinkie promise to let you keep that funky paperclip collection.
Let’s have a quick, no-strings chat about how I can help you get to your best work faster!
Project Management for Creative Entrepreneurs (Virtual)
You’re doing ALL the things and you’re burning out. I’ll help you choose the right things to do, and design systems with you for getting them done. And psst… you don’t have to do it like everyone else.
Space Organization (Virtual)
Your work or creative space isn’t supporting you to work or make art, so you avoid being in it. I’ll help you optimize the space, and develop the systems to keep it friendly. I can also help you design new space from the ground up so it fits you like it was custom made for you. Because it will be.
Space Organization
(In Person)
You just CAN’T anymore. You need someone to help scoot the furniture and sort through the mess. We’ll do that, then we’ll put it back together the best way for you. I’ll even take out the trash. You’ll get to see your floor again!